Why restructure a pharmacy? There are multiple motives for restructuring a pharmacy rather than building a new one; with specific intervention on the layout and on the furnishings already present it is possible to transform an old fashioned pharmacy into a sales point fit for the needs of a modern clientele that becomes more remunerative for the pharmacist. Creating quality environments, making use of the pharmacy more pleasant, also increases the level of interest. Here are some of the possible actions that Pharmacavigar proposes :
Pharmacavigar supports the pharmacist who intends to wholly or partially restructure his/her business, minimising the interruption of normal business activity and helping him/ her to exploit all the fiscal advantages or to benefit from the possible contributions dedicated to this type of investment on the part of public or private institutions.
With an ideal partner it is possible to exponentially increase the earnings of the business. Pharmacavigar also offers free consulting services to those pharmacists, who, even having already restructured, have not felt they had particular benefits or have been dissatisfied with the choices made.
Pharmacavigar offers full support and general advice for all those pharmacists who intend to enlarge the surface areas of the pharmacy. The enlargement of the pharmacy means that the pharmacist must take decisions that involve both the technical and the economic- financial aspects.
Pharmacavigar’s competent personnel , made up of experts in the field of architecture and interior design as well as in the administrative and economic sectors , can help the pharmacist in all the questions that regard the enlargement of the pharmacy: